Committed in delivering you the healthiest food in town while sustaining community support by bringing together the farmers, investors, business owners, and consumers.
We'll be back on the market on May 10, 2025. See you soon!
have been growing, raising, and selling Fresh Vegetables, Meats, & Eggs for more than 4 generations.


Our main market is located in the south side of Edmonton. Come and join our multicultural community. Our thrust is to build a fruitful and better community by means of supporting farmers, microbusinesses, suppliers, entrepreneur, and to promote charitable institution as part of our social responsibilities.
Everyone is welcome and we appreciate you for visiting us but please take note of the few reminders:
We are a pet-friendly community but kindly clean any accidents immediately.
Tend to your pets at all of times and don’t let them sniff the food on the tables.
Feel free to look around and experience the warm and friendly environment. Do not missed on looking on the amazing items, as well as the great food offered by our vendors. Also, enjoy our freshly pick fruits and vegetables harvested by our farmers that you could bring home and put on your table.

Application Fee is only $25.00
South Common Market is located at 150 Karl Clark Road, in the Research park. We are in a park like setting among the trees! It is so relaxing you don't even know you are in the city!
Be featured to our website and to our social media pages.